Everyone who signs our peace pledge is doing their bit to help people affected by conflict build brighter, safer futures for themselves.
People like Kavugho.
Kavugho is 58. She was forced to flee her home in DR Congo after violent conflict broke out in her village between the army and the Rwandan government.
Photo: Greg Funnell
When she arrived in the village of Mavivi with her husband and 7 children, life was incredibly difficult. They left everyone and everything behind. Kuvugho struggled to get support from her new community, until she met our local peacebuilding partner, Centre Résolution Conflits (CRC).
She was able to take a loan of $250 from CRC to set up her own agriculture business, and now she is helping herself and her community by selling local produce and offering employment to young people.
Want to do even more? Help us spread the word by sharing our peace pledge on social, and donate today so that together we can make 2020 a year of peace!