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Healing Together: The Kasuwan Magani Women

Marwanatu, Patrick (Legasi Programme Manager) and Catherine
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  • Published

    12 July 2023
  • Written by

    Natalie Roberts

In Kaduna State, Nigeria, amongst the Kasuwan Magani community, Catherine and Marwanatu are pioneers of peace. Their community movement has brought together women previously divided by loss, conflict, and ethnic tensions. 

Catherine pictured in her community

Long-standing conflict has caused tension between different religious and ethnic groups in the area. A violent outbreak in 2018 resulted in further separation between community members. 

Catherine remembers the events vividly, “The house was still burning because they set it a blaze… I lost almost everything [that day].”

Catherine’s husband and daughter passed away in the traumatic events that occurred. She was once friends and neighbours with Marwanatu, but after both facing loss, they blamed each other for what happened that day.



I was distraught, I [didn’t want] anything to do with [them].

But this was before both women met our partner Legasi. Marwanatu told us how Legasi brought different members of the community together who had been separated by these events.


As a result of their visit to this community, I am now at peace. Sometimes I forget about my ordeal because they keep counseling us and reminding us about the need to forgive, live in peace and build a great future.


Marwanatu showing the ruins of the outbreak

Together, they practice the lessons of peace and forgiveness that Legasi have taught them. They have formed a community movement named Zumuncin Alheri, meaning Peaceful Coexistence. Through this movement, they bring together women throughout their community that have been affected by conflict and loss. As one, they are healing and putting aside their differences.

We thank Legasi for supporting the women of the Kasuwan Magani community. With their support, they can begin to heal, bridge divides and rebuild their lives together.

To support more women like Catherine and Marwanatu in building peace in their communities, you can donate here.

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