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Rapidly responding to conflict in Sudan

  • Published

    14 February 2011
  • Written by

    Peace Direct

The Collaborative for Peace, runs a ‘Rapid Response Fund’ (RRF)  so that when people approach them with a problem they have the funds at hand to be where they are needed, when they are needed. They are currently planning an intervention with the Al Foolah peace committee.

The political situation is tense because of the Referendum of the South and mobilisation by political parties. Arms were distributed to people’s defence forces last week. We need to move quickly. - the Collaborative

The conflict is between two communities – over 4,000 households. There is scarce resource to feed these people, and conflicts have arisen over farming and grazing. As political tensions fire up new disputes, there is a real threat that these disputes could turn to bloodshed.

In February the Collaborative will visit the area and hold a five-day peace committee. She will work with representatives from each tribe and build bridges of discussion between them, asking them to agree to take action so their communities take responsibility for peace.


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