Music and the Performing Arts have the power to heal. We are excited to announce that Peace Direct is partnering with Bluegrass Ambassadors to co-sponsor Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Award for Music and the Performing Arts. Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders is the only global awards for local peacebuilders. This year, we’ve received a record number of applications!
Peace Direct will be accompanying musical acts the Henhouse Prowlers and The Waydown Wanderers on the Music Heals tour in Nashville TN, Columbus OH, and Newport KY April 17th-20th with a goal of raising $15,000 which will go to the winning organization of this year’s Tomorrow’s Peacebuilder Award category for ‘Music and the Performing Arts’. The Music Heals Campaign ends May 1st.
Click below if you believe in the power of Music and the Performing Arts to heal. #musicheals #musichealstour