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Mali On The Brink: Local Voices for Peace

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  • Published

    18 July 2018

‘Mali On The Brink’ is the latest in our series of ‘Local Voices for Peace‘ reports, the aim of which is to raise the profile of civil society perspectives on peace and conflict.

Mali is facing escalating violent conflict that has spread from the peripheral Sahel regions in the far northwest to the centre of the country. Several interlinked micro-conflicts are causing communities to fragment into competing armed factions, with mass atrocities becoming increasingly commonplace.

This report presents the findings of Peace Direct’s ‘Peace Exchange’ that took place in Bamako in May 2018, bringing together 20 representatives from Malian grassroots peacebuilding organisations to discuss the drivers of violent conflict, and the local capacities that exist to build peace.

Pour acceder à la version française de ce rapport, cliquez sur ce lien.

Executive summary


Full report



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