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Gen’s ultimate 100km trails challenge


Could you hike 100km? Across the hills and mountains of the Lake District? In under 27 hours? Peace Direct supporter Gen Chow did. Here she tells us why she chose to use it as an opportunity to raise money for Peace Direct:

  • Published

    25 September 2013
  • Written by

    Ruth Tidy

“I’m running, walking…crawling 100km for Peace Direct because self-inflicted pain should have a point.” Says Gen while in training for a race across the Lake District.

Could you hike 100km? Across the hills and mountains of the Lake District? In under 27 hours? Peace Direct supporter Gen Chow did. She explained why she chose to use it as an opportunity to raise money for Peace Direct:


I signed myself up to do something a leeetle bit stupid - namely run/hike 100K around the Lake District in 24-27 hours – a few months ago, and I kept being asked if it was for charity. Eventually it felt silly to keep saying "no, this is merely self-indulgent torture", so I decided to make the (almost guaranteed!) pain count.

I chose Peace Direct as they help local peace builders who work at great personal risk on crucial problems like child soldiers, women and conflict, youth and peace, and political violence. Peace Direct find them, fund them, and promote their work to those in the wider world who can help with finance or influence. If you believe like me that local peacemakers are the key to preventing conflicts and creating a lasting peace, please fundraise for them too

Gen did it, 25 hours, 59 minutes and 2 seconds.  She has raised £423.92 so far for us – thank you Gen!

We welcome any fundraising whether it be self-indulgent torture or just a bit of fun!  Get in touch and share your plans with us by emailing [email protected] with the subject line ‘I’m up for PEACE’.


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