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Escaping “Perpetual Beginnings”

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  • Published

    22 February 2021
Escaping “Perpetual Beginnings”: Challenges and Opportunities for Local Atrocity Prevention in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Government efforts to curb violence in DRC are lacking, which means local people carry out many atrocity prevention activities themselves. Despite the vital role these efforts play, significant gaps remain, including under-resourcing and poor networking opportunities. 
This report is part of a project that aims to ensure that local civil society can provide strategic, coordinated and sustainable atrocity prevention work in eastern DRC and Burundi.
It presents the key findings on the challenges facing atrocity prevention work, current activities, and success factors. It also presents recommendations to support atrocity prevention efforts for the Congolese Government, the UN, local civil society, and international donors.
Read the full report, as well as the Executive Summary, by clicking below:

Read the Executive Summary

Read the full report

Le rapport est aussi disponible en français.

This report was produced by Peace Direct and Research Initiatives for Social Development, and was made possible through the Jo Cox Memorial Grant, made available by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

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