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Global Advisory Council launched

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Peace Direct is excited to announce the formation of a new Global Advisory Council. The group is made up of activists, researchers, human rights defenders and community leaders who are committed to helping us achieve our mission of stopping war.

  • Published

    19 April 2021
  • Written by

    Peace Direct

The 12 members will provide advice and guidance to Peace Direct’s leadership as well as acting as Ambassadors for us. The role of the council will focus on enhancing the effectiveness, direction and profile of our work. 

The group will also help us to:

  • Uphold our values of non-violence, dignity and respect, inclusion, trust, and courage
  • Provide guidance towards our strategic goals
  • Ensuring diversity within our strategy and governance.
  • Promoting our mission and work through their own networks.

The council are primarily local peacebuilders with lived experience of conflict in Sudan, Central African Republic, Lebanon, the Philippines, Pakistan and Colombia.


Click below to find out more about the GAC members.


Meet the GAC members


Responding to the appointments, Dylan Mathews, Chief Executive of Peace Direct said:

If we are to be true to our mission, then we must ensure that our plans reflect input from those who we aim to serve: local peacebuilders. I am delighted that the GAC will act as a sounding board for Peace Direct, providing guidance as we navigate the challenging years ahead. While much work remains to be done, it is my hope that the establishment of the GAC is one way that we can challenge current practice, shift power to local peacebuilders and address inequality in the sector.

Sawssan Abou-Zahr, Global Advisory Council member from Lebanon said:

I am honored to be a member of the Global Advisory Council of Peace Direct. I am the only member residing in the Middle East, where most countries are conflict and/or post-conflict states, and where large numbers of refugees and internally displaced struggle to live in dignity and peace. I hope to contribute in making Peace Direct closer to grassroots peacebuilding in this troubled region. I will do my best to make the voices of local activists, including women and refugees in the Middle East, heard and considered in the decision making, strategic planning and partnerships of Peace Direct.

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